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The Eyes of God

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Six months before I got out of witchcraft, I had a crazy, supernatural experience where I saw the eyes of God, and it changed my life.

That day I was helping a girl who had paranormal activity happening in her house. We were putting salts around her home and doing different things to get rid of the spirits, and I found she had a coin. I knew this coin was a cursed object, so I ended up taking it to get it out of her house.

But I didn't know what to do with it because I felt like it was a Catholic thing. So I reached out to the one Christian I knew, told her what was going on, and asked if she’d go with me to a Catholic church.

Se we went to the church and I gave them the coin (at the time, I didn’t know what else to do with it). Then because the church was near Newport beach (I lived in California at the time), I told my friend I wanted to go do a ten-minute meditation on the beach. After helping that girl with her paranormal activity, I believed I needed to align my chakras and send my energy to the core of the earth, have it recycled, and then sent back to me.

When we got to the beach it was wild because nobody was there. It’s Newport Beach! Usually everybody's there all the time, but not that day. So I went and sat down close to the shore, and my friend sat a little behind me. Then I set my timer and started my mediation.

It took no time at all to get into transcendental meditation and go somewhere else. And all of a sudden, I had this crazy vision. Now I would get visions all the time in meditation, but this was like something I had never seen before. It was like out of a fantasy world. I thought I was entering an astral plane!

I saw this rainbow tunnel and all these fascinating colors blending together. These colors were so vibrant and electric, you can't even find them on earth. It was beyond beautiful, and it was mesmerizing.

Then I could see something else out of the corner of my eye. It was moving towards me. It looked like if somebody invisible was walking on water, so what I was seeing were the imprints of feet. So I'm seeing these footsteps kind of walk towards the rainbow tunnel, but I was so mesmerized by the tunnel itself (which was like witchcraft), I couldn’t even see that God was about to enter my life in a radical way.

So the footprints got closer and closer, and as soon as they got to where the rainbow tunnel was, the whole vision flashed this electric blue color! Then all I can see right in front of my face were these eyes. And these eyes were so piercing, I felt pure terror.

It was fear but not like the fear of watching a scary movie. It wasn’t like “Oh, I'm scared.” I don’t know how to explain it other than it was like being overwhelmed by an almighty power and wanting to fall to my face because I don't even know what to do!

And so I saw these eyes in such detail. I could see every single eyebrow hair, and they were so white they were almost blinding, and those piercing eyes didn't necessarily have a color, but they were like intense glowing fire.

Then all I heard was a loud booming voice: “Fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord.”

Now I knew who Jesus was. I was in witchcraft, but I also believed in Jesus. He was one of my many gods that I worshiped. But when I heard that voice, I knew exactly which Lord it was talking about!

Immediately I came out of my meditation and my heart was pounding. I stopped my timer and the time left was 3:33 which I knew was symbolic because three is a significant number. There’s three in the Holy Trinity, Jesus was crucified at 3:00 pm, and the three threes in a row stood out to me.

I reached for my friend’s hand and put it over my heart so she could feel it racing. It felt like it would jump out of my chest!

And she asked me, “Are you okay?”

As soon as I can talk, I told her, “I just saw the eyes of God.” And I explained what I saw.

My friend said, “That’s crazy! While you were meditating, I just was singing worship songs over you and praying for you.”

I was freaked out for the rest of day, and I started to feel what was a conviction about witchcraft. And that night when I was laying my bed, thinking about that fear of the Lord I encountered, my friend sent me a Bible verse. It was Revelation 1:14. It says, “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire.” 

I had never read that before. I didn't even know there was a book of Revelation. But it was proof to me that in that moment when I had encountered the fear of the Lord, it was Jesus I saw. I had encountered his holiness.

I got saved six months later, but the starting point was the day I saw the eyes of God.

And let me just say, if you are a Christian, just know it doesn't matter what a person is doing, continue to pray for them. That friend was behind me praying for me, and I encountered Jesus Christ in a powerful way that I will never forget.


Jenny Huebner is a beautiful soul who has dedicated her life to help people who are struggling with addiction and abuse. This blog was adapted from Jenny's amazing story on ticktock.


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