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Supernatural Strength for Stupidity

Man changing tire with help of an angel
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Move over Samson! God is still giving phenomenal strength to people when its needed! And if you’re not familiar with talking to the Holy Ghost, this blog also shows it pays to listen.

While I was living in India as a missionary and pastor, one morning, I pulled my van out of the garage getting ready for church and I saw I had a flat tire. I found out there was nail in the tire, so I thought, well, I'll just change it.

And the Holy Ghost said [on the inside of me], “The van is not level.” And I wasn’t really paying attention, So I looked at it and said, “Oh it'll be alright.” I didn’t realize he told me that for a reason, and here I was,talking back to the Holy Ghost.

It was a new van, and it had this rinky-dink car jack with the spare underneath. So I get the jack out, got the spare and set it beside me, loosened the lug nuts on the flat tire, and jacked up the van.

Just as I was pulling the tire off, the jack fell over toward me and the wheel well fell on top of my hand, which was still on top of the flat tire! Now my hand was stuck like a V, with the van on it.

Of course I started yelling, and the Holy Ghost immediately said, “Stretch out your other hand.” This time I listened and I stretched out my other hand and put it under the van’s frame by the tire well.

The next thing I knew, I was holding the side of the van up! I pulled out my other hand which had been crushed and I started shaking it, yelling, “No! In Jesus’ name. all pain go. I command you to be healed!”

Then I used that same hand to reach out, get the spare tire, put it on the van, and put the lug nuts on. When all that was done, I pulled my other hand out and set the van back down on the ground.

When I came to myself I realized, had the Holy Spirit not helped me, I would have been in the hospital with a crushed hand, and there I was arguing with him! But God’s gifts don't rely on us. He loves you even early in the morning when we don't know enough to listen the first time!

Did you ever feel like you shouldn't do something and you did it anyway?


Carroll Johns has been a minister for more than forty years. In addition to working in Israel, Carrol oversees several orphanages in India, including one for children rescued from sex trafficking.


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