Welcome to Holy Supernatural, a blog that explores occurrences, phenomena, and beings beyond our natural world from a biblical perspective. Here you’ll find modern personal accounts of miracles, undeniable historical happenings, and a fair amount of musings about angels, Holy Spirit, dreams, translations, signs, miracles, and the like.
But if you’re looking for scary stories about the supernatural, this is not the place. Though I am well aware of the supernatural’s dark side—and it shows up occasionally in my blogs—there are no stories that center on what terrifies, confuses, or torments. My focus is on supernatural happenings that bring hope and wonder, and that unexpectedly help us humans on our travels through life.
Many of these stories under the blog are first-hand accounts from real people and their brushes with the holy supernatural. Others are stories I’ve curated from reliable sources, as well as adding a few of my own.
There are also two other sections that might be of interest. One is a car my husband and I are building, a ratrod called the Iron Angel. It was an idea the Lord downloaded into my heart during a church service. If you're a car person, follow our journey. It's gonna be awesome.
The second section is parts of my own writing--fictional stories about supernatural events and beings. It may just be a chapter here and there--and I hope to find other writers to feature here as well.
So feel free to look around, start a conversation, and even submit your own supernatural occurrences (under share your story ). I post at least once a month, so be sure to subscribe, and I'll send you a reminder and other goodies.
And please comment, but be respectful. I want this to be a place where believers, truthseekers, and skeptics alike can explore the wondrous unknown and share supernatural experiences together in a nontoxic environment.
There’s a lot beyond the natural that we don’t understand, and maybe together we can all discover more about it.
Hi, I'm Dagny.

And I’m much too practical to call myself a Christian mystic. But I am definitely fascinated with all things supernatural and otherworldly. I truly believe there is an unseen spiritual realm where both the holy and unholy reside, and that it’s from that spiritual realm that supernatural occurrences invade our natural, day-to-day lives.
I also believe in the power of story to reveal truth and transform realities, and I strive to make my whole life about telling stories that do so. This blog is part of me telling those stories, as are the (still unpublished) novels I write.
When I'm not working on my own writing, I work as a writing coach to help other people tell their stories.
If you have any questions, comments, or constructive criticism, email me at Dagny@holysupernatural.blog. I'd love to hear from you!